The FREE 14 Day Challenge



Supplements are the topic of today.

Everyone always wants to know what supplements to take to speed up fat loss.

But itā€™s not that easyā€¦..

Itā€™s actually a confusing topic.

So, why do we need supplements?

What supplements should we avoid?

Should we even takeĀ supplements at all?

Please watch todays video to learn more about supplementation and how it could affect your results.

I have attached 2 supplement guides to download alongside this lesson.

Oh and one more thing todayā€¦..

I have attached a FREE Air Fryer Recipe Book.Ā 

I love an air fryer. And with this recipe book you will get so many ideas to keep your food interesting and new!

Give a few of the recipes a go, and post your food pics in the Facebook Group!

The best recipe will get a FREE bonus Prize from the Zenith Fit team.

Have fun, and get cooking!

Oh, and donā€™t forget to update your measurements from the measurements sheet from day 2.

Keep these stats updated!

See you tomorrow for day 7!

Download your Air Fryer Recipe Book Here
Download Supplement Guide 1 Here
Download Supplement Guide 2 Here