Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs
Aug 20, 2024Hey everyone, I thought it would be of great use to you all if I sent over some info regarding warm-ups and cool-downs as it’s not just the main part of your workout that matters. The people who skip the processes before and after a workout may be doing more harm to their bodies than they realize. A warm-up and a cool-down both involve doing exercises at a lower intensity and slower pace.
Benefits of warm-ups:
- Injury Prevention: By loosening up your joints and increasing blood flow to your muscles, warming up helps avoid injuries by reducing the likelihood that your muscles will strain.
- Improved Blood Flow – Warming up helps your muscles receive more blood. Your muscles require oxygen to operate, which is carried by your blood.
- Quicker Muscle Contraction/Relaxation – Warming up with physical activity raises your body temperature, which in turn, makes muscles function faster and more efficiently.
Benefits of cool-downs:
- Recovery – Following an intense workout, your muscles accumulate lactic acid, which requires time for your body to clear it out. After exercise, cooling down can accelerate your body's recovery.
- Reduced DOMS - Although soreness in the muscles is normal following exercise, DOMS is extremely uncomfortable. After exercising, a cool-down can help reduce significant muscle soreness.
What Happens If You Don’t Properly Warm Up and Cool Down?
Muscle injuries account for almost 30% of injuries sustained during exercise, and they are easily avoidable by warming up and stretching beforehand. Warming up also enables you to raise your breathing and heart rate gradually to a level appropriate for your workout. Your heart and lungs will be put under needless stress if you begin an intense workout without first warming up.
Written by - Tom Weaver
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