The FREE 14 Day Challenge



Welcome to Day 9.

Today, we look at a fundamental aspect of your fat loss and weight loss journey....


And more specifically, creating 'good' new habits.

And eradicating the old, 'bad' habits.

But where do we start? 

Well, habits are something that shape your day.

Every single day, you are performing habits without even thinking about it.

Brushing your teeth is a good example.

But habits can also lead to weight gain.

Think about the evenings, when you sit down to watch Netflix, and you eat a few biscuits.

Is that because you are actually hungry? Or is it just a habit.

To start building new habits we have to look into why we do them.

But also be more conscious of the decisions we are making through the day.

It's time to switch auto pilot off, and start focusing more of what we are doing, especially when it comes to nutrition and exercise.

Today I have added a blank template to help you start identifying bad habits, and how you can create new ones.

Let's start creating some habits that will last a lifetime!

I have also attached a worksheet to help you learn how to build new habits.

Download it, and start working on it.

Watch the video above for more context too.

And if you have any questions, please let em know in the Facebook Group

Habits Worksheet & Guide
Blank Schedule