How to Fit Exercise into a Busy Schedule

Sep 19, 2024

Finding time for exercise can feel like a luxury. Between work, family, social commitments, and personal time, squeezing in a workout may seem nearly impossible. But staying active is vital for both physical and mental health. The good news? With some creativity and planning, anyone can fit exercise into even the busiest of schedules. Here’s how. 


Make Exercise a Priority 

It starts with mindset. If you view exercise as something optional or only important for appearance, it’s easy to skip. However, if you think of it as essential to your well-being, like brushing your teeth or eating, you'll be more inclined to make time for it. 


Opt for Short, Effective Workouts 

Gone are the days when a workout had to last an hour. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), circuit training, or even 15-20 minute strength sessions can be highly effective. These workouts maximize effort in a shorter time, making them ideal for busy schedules. 


Incorporate Movement Into Your Day 

You don’t always need a formal workout to stay active. Simple tweaks in your daily routine can keep you moving and burning calories. Walk during phone calls, take the stairs, park farther from your destination, or use a standing desk. 


Exercise During Downtime 

If you watch TV in the evenings or find yourself scrolling through your phone, use that time to be active. You can do exercises like lunges, planks, or stretching while watching your favourite show, turning idle time into productive movement. 


Use Your Commute 

For those who commute to work, getting creative with this time can be a game-changer. If possible, walk or bike to work, or get off the bus a stop earlier to add in some extra steps. If driving is a must, consider parking farther away to force yourself into a mini-walk before and after work. 


Wake Up 30 Minutes Earlier 

Mornings tend to be the least interrupted part of the day. By waking up just 30 minutes earlier, you can squeeze in a quick workout without sacrificing other parts of your day. Exercising in the morning also helps boost your energy levels, making you more productive. 


Take Advantage of Breaks 

At work, use lunch or breaks to fit in some physical activity. A brisk walk during your lunch hour or a quick stretch in the afternoon can help you stay active without eating into your personal time. 


Final Thoughts: 

Fitting exercise into a busy schedule is about consistency and creativity. While it’s tempting to think you need large blocks of time to work out, short and frequent bursts of activity can be just as beneficial. By prioritising fitness, finding ways to move throughout your day, and embracing shorter, high-intensity workouts, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle—no matter how hectic life gets. 

Remember, every bit of movement counts. It's not about perfection but about staying consistent over time. So, get creative, stay active, and find what works best for your lifestyle! 


Written by Tom Weaver

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